Open Bargaining Training

Miller Hall 154

Are you interested in learning more about how we're going to negotiate with Western? Any WWU Student Employee is welcome to join members of the ESE bargaining team as we all learn more about the process of bargaining with Western Admin to create our FIRST CONTRACT! This session (8/29) will be on Close Reading of […]

Open Bargaining Training

Miller Hall 154

Are you interested in learning more about how we're going to negotiate with Western? Any WWU Student Employee is welcome to join members of the ESE bargaining team as we all learn more about the process of bargaining with Western Admin to create our FIRST CONTRACT! This session (9/5) will be on Best Practices at […]

Open Bargaining Training

Are you interested in learning more about how we're going to negotiate with Western? Any WWU Student Employee is welcome to join members of the ESE bargaining team as we all learn more about the process of bargaining with Western Admin to create our FIRST CONTRACT! This training (on 9/7) will be a Dress Rehearsal […]